Thursday 1 December 2022


Doctor Who: Language and Representation blog tasks

1) Write a summary of the notes from our in-class analysis of the episode. You can use your own notes from the screening in class and we'll also post a Google document of class notes too (you'll need your GHS Google login). 


Camerawork and sound: Slow camera movement, close - ups on each character.

Mise-en-scene: Susan introduced as a typical 1960s teenager.

Narrative and genre: opening title sequence.

2) How can we apply narrative theories to this episode of  Doctor Who


Todorov's Equilibrium:  Susan and her grandfather are both exiled aliens but then the new equilibrium is that they all land on a alien planet.

Propp's character theory: the hero is Barbara the helper is Ian the heroine is Susan and the doctor is seen as a villain in this episode but generally is an anti-hero. 

Barthes's enigma and action codes: The foggy London at the first scene of the episode which denotes mystery and horror.

Levi-Strauss's binary opposition: 

3) In your opinion, what is the most important scene in the episode and why?


I think the most important scene was when they walked into the time machine.  

4) What genre is An Unearthly Child and how can you tell? Make specific reference to aspects of the episode.


An Unearthly Child is Science fiction and fantasy, because the characters are aliens. 


5) How does An Unearthly Child reflect the social and historical contexts of the 1960s?


An Unearthly Child reflects social contexts of the 1960's through the relationship between Susan and her teachers this is shown when they offer to tutor Susan at her house. The Historical context is shown through how Susan listens to music through a caste player whereas now we use our mobile devices and the cars in the episode. 



1) What stereotypes of men are reinforced and subverted in Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child? How?


Men being subverted is them being reinforced is that men are in charge this is shown by Ian taking charge and The doctor being male


2) What stereotypes of women/girls are reinforced and subverted in Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child? How?


Women are overly emotional this is shown at Susan's over reactions and outbursts.


3) How do the representations of young people and old people in An Unearthly Child reflect the social and historical context of the 1960s? 


The old men was travelling with young girl and it was improper in 1963


4) What representations of race/ethnicity can be found in Doctor Who: An Earthly Child? Is this surprising or not? Give reasons for your answer and consider historical / cultural context (the 1960s). Has this changed in more recent series of Doctor Who?


The representations of ethnicity in the episode is that white people are the dominate race this is shown by there being a white cast and that there was no there race in the episode.


5) How is social class represented in An Unearthly Child? Think about how education and knowledge is presented in the episode.


In the episode having a higher intelligence is represented as strange and suspicious this is shown by the teachers suspicion of Susan.The teachers were the middle class because they were dressed well, so they were higher than low class.


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