Thursday 12 January 2023

TV assessment: Learner Response

TV assessment: Learner Response

1) Type up your feedback from your teacher in full (you do not need to write marks/grades if you do not wish to).

01.1. Not quite mise-es-scene (costume, setting, props).

01.2. Some strong points, Bohdan! To develop, be specific with what you're describing, e.g. which character? 

Touch more on:

    - setting

    - props

    - storyline

01.3. Some good examples but not enough media terminology linked to specific examples.

02. Some good basic exploration but not enough terminology or exploration of industries / characters / representations.

2) Look at the mark scheme document linked above. Write an answer for question 1.1 on mise-en-scene.

01.1. Mise-en-scene

  •   Will’s costume – makes him look like he is from our world
  •   The two children they are chasing – costume and make-up to make

             them look abandoned/homeless.

  •  Setting – empty city.
  •  Actor movement – the chase scene.
  •  Props – the drinks and bread.

3) Look at question 1.2. Write ONE narrative feature in the extract you could have written for this answer.


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