Monday 20 March 2023


            OSP: Marcus Rashford - Language and Representation


1) Make two lists - one of website conventions used on Marcus Rashford's official website and one of social media conventions found on Rashford's Twitter or Instagram pages. 

Website key conventions include:

  • Logo/brand identity
  • Navigation – menus
  • Central image
  • Multimedia features – e.g. video 
  • Social media links / integration
Social media key conventions include:
  • Logo/brand identity
  • Bio (personal details/information)
  • Profile image
  • Background/banner image
  • Images and video
  • Online engagement/audience interaction

2) How does his website promote the Marcus Rashford brand?

Images of Marcus Rashford present him as a footballer,fashion model, also  charity activist 

3) What is the first page you see when you visit Marcus Rashford's website and how does this promote his brand and good causes?

The photo on the firs page on his website present him as powerful, success young black man.

4) How does Marcus Rashford use his social media profiles to promote his brand and campaigns? Give at least three examples of different posts / images / design from his social media.

He uses twitter where he has 6.5 million followers. People can message him and he will respond. On this post you can see his fan celebrating the goal like Marcus Rashford.

5) How does Marcus Rashford's online presence use genre and narrative to create a positive brand identity?

He is an influencer in helping people. He wrote a letter to the PM- asking for free school meals during covid. Later in his career, he can  continue his charity work. 


1) How does Rashford use different aspects of mise-en-scene (e.g. clothes/costume) to create very different representations of himself on his own website?

At the first page he dressed in the costume and he looks like business man more than footballer. At the other pages you also can see different representation of him, in example on one of the photos he wears a "Dolce & Gabbana" socks.

2) What representations of football or footballers can you find in Marcus Rashford's online presence? Does it reinforce or subvert traditional stereotypes of footballers?

Marcus Rashford subvert traditional stereotypes of footballers. In example on his website you can see that he is interested not only in football but also in different aspects of life as charity or fashion.

3) What examples can you find of website pages, social media posts or aspects of the brand that create a positive representation of Marcus Rashford? You may wish to comment on his discussion of family or his campaigns - his page on the FareShare campaign website may help with this question.

His own family relied on breakfast clubs, free school meals and at times, food banks. Raised by mum Melanie Maynard, who worked full time earning minimum wage, it was often not enough. As Marcus explains: β€œthe system was not built for families like mine to succeed, regardless of how hard my mum worked.”

4) What representations of masculinity can you find in Marcus Rashford's online presence? Does this reinforce or challenge traditional gender stereotypes?

He is represented as successful and strong man.

5) What representations of race/ethnicity can you find in his website or social media? Does this reinforce or challenge media stereotypes? 

He is represented as young black footballer. His family wasn't rich and he get anything by himself, that's how he showd that everybody can do it.

Grade 8/9 extension tasks

1. Look at this Marcus Rashford tweet. How does this help Rashford create a positive representation of himself and also control the media narrative?

Marcus Rashford 7


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