Thursday 19 October 2023

 Paper 1 assessment: Learner Response


 The question 1 is asking what is the convention shown below?

Convention = feature.

I got 1 mark.


What camera shots is used for the central image?

 It is longshot because we can see the whole athlete, which represent the power and shows a big range of  "Under Armour" clothes.

I got 1 mark.


Good analysis of the product that is clear and generally engages

with the nuanced aspects of how media language is used.

• Focus on how connotations communicate meanings is mostly

effective although lacks clarity in places.

• Mostly appropriate and effective use of subject terminology


I described the Central image, background, lighting and colour scheme.

I got 8 mark.


Basic analysis of the product only focusing on the more

straightforward aspects of the narrative of the advert but is more

descriptive than analytical with basic reference to the CSP.

• Limited use of the theoretical framework that demonstrates little

or no understanding of how narratives are used to convey

messages to audiences. Narrative theory is largely absent due to

description rather than analysis.

• Very little, if any, use of subject specific terminology.

I got only 2 marks because I just retold the advert and didn't use any media theories.


Explain how magazine covers use conventions to reflect the social and cultural contexts of

British society. Answer with reference to the Tatler magazine cover (Figure 2). [12 marks]

Satisfactory knowledge and understanding of contexts and their

influence on media products and processes, demonstrated by some

appropriate explanation of how magazine covers reflect the social

and cultural contexts in which they were created.

• Some appropriate and effective reference to Tatler magazine cover

but it is of limited effectiveness.

Specialist terminology is used inappropriately on occasions and

with limited effectiveness.

I got 6/12.


Which of the following options is a benefit to media conglomerates of vertical integration?

C Greater control over the production process


What is the regulator for the film industry?



How are big-budget films marketed and promoted to an audience? Refer to your Close

Study Product Black Widow in your answer. [6 marks]

• Satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the theoretical

framework, demonstrated by generally effective explanation of

how big-budget films and marketed and promoted.

• Some appropriate and effective reference to the CSP.

• Mostly appropriate and effective use of subject specific

terminology throughout.

I got 4/6.


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